Kelly Pneumatics specializes in various industries. Our products are manufactured to meet the exact needs of control applications in fields that require precise control.
Key Industries
• Fuel Cell Technologies
• Solar Energy
• Anesthesia Machines
• Dental Equipment
• Ventilators
• Exfoliation / Cosmetics
• Consumer Products
• Semiconductors
• Microfluidics Device
From Hydrogen control systems in the automotive and marine industries to non-invasive cosmetic procedures and life support equipment, our team of engineers is here to help you develop a flow or pressure control solution to take your project to the next level. With nearly 70 years of combined engineering experience and virtually limitless customization options, we are sure to provide the expertise and quality you deserve.
Whether you are developing the next generation of Hydrogen-Electric technology, providing the latest in dermatological/cosmetic procedures, or introducing the next life-saving apparatus, our staff is on hand to discuss your application and provide the expert advice necessary to solve your most complex pneumatic concerns.
If you would like to know more about our products, or if you have a project or application you would like to discuss with one of our engineers, please reach out to us. We look forward to working with you.